Sunday, August 22, 2010

Stitches All Gone

Emily's last stitch fell out this morning, so it seemed like a good time to close out that little event with an update.  First off, she got a visit from her Uncle Krish last weekend.
That's my wild child!

This was taken yesterday and a lot of that bruising is already gone.  I am so SO glad that she is looking back to normal!

On another note, Emily has some words that she has started using....Mama (my favorite), she says Da for Daddy and Ba for ball and bottle.  A few nights ago, I asked her "ready for your bath?" and she took off for the bathroom.  Too sweet!! 

We are getting excited about vacation this Friday and being able to take Emmy in a pool and letting her play in the sand.  This will be a different ball game than when we had our stationary baby.  And she gets to see Uncle Brian soon!


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